Monday, January 22, 2007

Have You Seen Any Ladybugs Lately??????

Those of us who are involved in the China adoption process, know the significance of Ladybugs.
The story goes... after the sighting of many Ladybugs, baby referrals were soon to follow and very abundant in number. So......I too have gotten onto the Ladybug bandwagon.
I looked around the house, and noticed some new and some old Ladybugs hanging around :-)

This is a flower pot that I've had for years.

This is a crystal Ladybug I bought recently.

This is a rug that we saw at National Liquidators on Christmas Eve, and I just had to have it!!! It's on the floor in Renee's room.

This is Renee's first bath towel!!! Isn't it cute?? It was given to me by my work partner Karen. Thanks Karen, I love it!!!!!

During my Christmas shopping, I saw this little Ladybug pocket book in Kohl's. Had to have it :-). See the book "10 Little Ladybugs"? My coordinator at work, Mary, gave that to me for Christmas, thanks Mary!!!!

Happy 10 Month LID Anniversary!

Today is the 10th anniversary of our dossier being logged in, in China (at the CCAA).
On one hand it does feel like time has flown by, on the other hand, it also feels like time has ticked by slowly, second by second.
Right now the wait for a referral has increased to at least 16 months from LID (log in date). So, that means that we still have 6+ months to wait. Oh boy!!!!! The Lord is definitely teaching me patience.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Wow, What A Week!

After watching the CCAA website almost hour by hour, it was finally updated on Tuesday night. Congratulations to everyone who received their referrals!! How we look forward to that day!! The CCAA is up to September 27, 2005, and we are March 22, 2006. That means there is approximately 177 days between these 2 dates. Oh boy!!!

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