Friday, April 28, 2006

It's Official We're Expecting!!!!

Isn't this sonogram picture a hoot!!
If you take a look above at the "Ticker Counter" with the little lady bug counting the days through the tulips!, you'll notice that it dosen't say "since Dossier to China" anymore, but now says "since Log In Date"! Yes it's official we're paper pregnant!!!
We just received the official email from La Vida letting us know that our dossier was "logged in with the CCAA (China Center For Adoption Affairs) on 3/22/06!! ". Now we have an "LID". This is the date that are referrral is based on, so... we are already over one month into our wait!
We still have many months to go but........
It's Official, We're Expecting!!!


shochikubailover said...

Congratulations. So what is your expected time frame now that you have LID?
Janet in VB

Sue G said...

It seems the wait now can be anywhere from 10 months to a year. Some sites suggest 18 months. Gosh, I hope not.
La Vida seems to feel things will speed up again.
I'm praying for that!
Take good care,

Don and Be said...

Congrats! We have a LID at the end of March as well. Our journeys should paralell each other closely. God bless you. WE have bookmarked your blog to keep up with your progress.
Don & Be Schafhauser

Sue G said...

Don and Be,
Thanks for visiting.
I've bookmarked your blog too.
I lived in the Orlando area for a while, about 10 years back, I loved it. I'm glad I came back home though, cause I met my wonderful husband!!!
God Bless you and your journey.
Let's keep in touch,


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