Saturday, September 23, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

Boy did I scare John yesterday morning! I woke him up by saying "Happy Anniversary".
He bolted up in bed and said "Oh no!" (our wedding anniversary is October 12th and for some unknown reason he remembers it as September 12th so he thought he had missed it!). I quickly calmed his fears and reminded him that it was our "6" month anniversary for our dossier being logged in, in China.
Visably calmed, he layed back down for a couple more minutes of snooze time and I got ready for work :).
But yes, it's been 6 whole months since our dossier left and was logged in to China. Rumours on the web say that the CCAA may be reviewing March dossiers as we speak, and they have completed December 2005. Only place to go from there is 2006, Hip Hip Hooray!!
I wish Happy Anniversary as well to all my friends on the Marching Panda Yahoo group, as day by day we all are reaching that 6 month landmark!!
We are still at least 6-8 months away from receiving our referral for Renee, but, inevitably time is moving forward, however slow it feels, it still moves along.
On Renee's room:
John has completed painting, and I think we've picked out the carpet color.
I'll post later with photo's and the details!
Till then... Happy Saturday!


shochikubailover said...

I hope you don't think I'm stalking you but I do check your blog all the time. Keep it up.

Janet in VB

Sue G said...

No I don't think you are a stalker!!I'm so glad you are keeping up with our journey.
Amy is beautiful!!!!!
Take good care,


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