Friday, July 24, 2009

A Big Decision Made

After much discussion and prayer, John and I made a big decision.
If you'll note above, we are no longer naming our daughter Marissa.
Although after my father passed away, we had decided upon Marissa Renee, before that it was always Renee. Up until Tuesday, everytime we talked about our daughter or prayed about our daughter, we still said "Renee". Her name has been Renee in our hearts, for almost four years. When we found out what name Renee was given at her orphanage, we thought that "Mei" which means beautiful, would be a perfect way to not only honor the memory of my father, but to acknowledge her past and culture.
So, my daughter will be named Renee Mei Sang "G"
My friend Diana who had redesigned my blog for me previously, made the above changes for me last night.
Thank you Diana, everything looks awesome.
We have a new ticker it's days since referral and till we go to China to bring Renee Mei home.
I have some pictures of the baby's room to post as well as some pictures that John took of us while we were receiving the "call". Some are blurred, but the happiness shows through. I'll post them hopefully tomorrow.
Our Fedex package is due to arrive tomorrow as well, here's hoping I can catch a picture of the "stork".


Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Renee is a perfect name for such a sweet girl!! It was my pleasure to update the blog! I *LOVE* it when my clients get referrals and I get to see the new pics and add them!!

Congrats once again!


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