Saturday, February 02, 2008

It's Ground Hog's Day!

Can't believe it's February already. On one side of the fence, I'm glad, because that means that winter is almost over (depending upon which ground hog you listen to :-) ), on the other side, it just feels as time is speeding by.

Rumors are abound that another batch of referrals are imminent. Also that the this batch will include December 27th and may even finish off 2005!! That would be so great!! If the CCAA makes it to the 27th, that leaves 85 log in dates to March 22, which is our LID.

More to come...


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,
I hope all is OK! Mike and I are getting ready for the big event. Hopefully John and you can make it. Let me know.
Take care


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