Friday, March 31, 2006

Shuffled Off To Buffalo!

I flew to Buffalo on Wednesday for the first time, for work, I flew back last night, but on the way back to the airport, my colleague Margaret did a swing around Niagra Falls! I had never been there and was able to get a good view of the Canada side of the falls. I could look across at Ontario, Canada!!! It was a beautiful sunny day, and the mist was coming off the water. Can you imagine it?... Cause duh! I left my camera home, I could kick myself! Anyway I'm back on Long Island, but getting ready to leave for a church weekend ladies retreat, (sorry John). I'm bringing my camera this time and plan to share my weekend ahead with you when I get back. I've been visiting many other blogs, and will list my favorites here (as soon as I learn how). I've also joined 2 yahoo groups, one for all families that are "DTC" (dossier to China) this month, and also a LI waiting families group. It's a great way to keep my mind busy during the long wait, as well as finding out what's happening with other families. Well got to run, I'm looking forward to a restful and blessed weekend, you all do the same. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. -Phillipians 4:6

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Legend of the Red Thread

So sorry, I had promised to post this weekend, but was very busy and before I knew it, it was late Sunday evening and I was too tired to sit here and type.
I wanted to begin to tell our story and how we have gotten to this point. Where to the beginning of course.
John and I have been married for almost 3 and 1/2 years (gosh it feels like longer), and I mean that in a good way, because John is my soul mate and I feel like I've known him my whole life, when it's actually been only about 11 years.
We were friends for 2 years before we ever went out on a date.(I asked him first!)
We married in 2002. John had been married before and has a beautiful daughter Amanda, she's now almost 14 (wow time flys!).
John, at first really didn't want any more children, which for me was very difficult because I've wanted to be a mother since I was old enough to breath!!!!!
I was unable to conceive naturally and fertility treatments didn't seem like the answer either. I decided to give the entire situation up to the Lord, and prayed for the Lord to work on both John's and my heart, so that His will be done.
I had thought about adoption for a long time, especially international adoption.
I had gotten an informational packet from La Vida International (our adoption agency) in January 2005, which came with a video that I couldn't bring myself to watch. This past August 2005, after much prayer, I told John that I would like us to adopt a child, and would he watch the La Vida video with me. He said yes!! praise God! We watched together and decided it was time and by Labor Day 2005 we were completing the application.
The picture above is "The Legend of the Red Thread", it was said at the opening of the video that La Vida sent us. I truly believe it with all my heart. Some time soon, we will be bringing our baby Renee home.

Do not be afraid for I am with you, I will bring you children from the east and gather you from the west.
Isaiah 43:5

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

By The Way...

By the way, here is John my wonderful husband. We are on this journey together, so wanted to make sure I got his picture posted. It will be the first of many as our journey progresses over the next several months. Been busy with not much time to post, will catch up with our "adoption story" this weekend, promise.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Brayden's Christening on Sunday!

Here I am with Brayden, isn't he adorable?

Here is Aunt Karen, Uncle Anthony, Anthony Jr, and Dana with Brayden.

Here are Lynette and Chris, proud parents of baby Brayden on his Christening day.
Brayden was perfect, even though he had a little cold. After church we had a fabulous dinner at Bella Napoli's , a good time was had by all.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Since We've Got Some Time...

As we are DTC- 3/6/06, the next thing we are waiting for is our "Log-In Date", the date the CCAA officially logs us in. As far as we have been told (by LaVida), the wait from log-in to receiving our child assignement, is now about 9 months. That could increase or decrease, we just have to wait and see. I'll use this time to catch you up on what has transpired, and chronicle the rest of the journey. So...make sure your seat backs are in their upright position, your seat belts are securely fastened and your tray tables are up and secured. Let's take off! (I've been flying a little too much lately, can you tell?)

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Welcome! I have been introduced to this awesome manner of communication by a new friend, (I'll explain later). This blog will be John's and my way of communicating to our family and friends, our journey of hope, the journey we are now taking to bring our daughter Renee home from China. It will also be a way to express the happiness, sadness, frustration, joy, gratitude, etc. as this journey progresses.
It began....September 2005, when after much prayer,we both agreed to complete the adoption application and send it off to LaVida. We then began the "let's get our dossier together" hustle.
Our dossier is the packet of information that the Chinese Center For Adoption Affairs (CCAA) uses to assign us a child. It is documents in duplicate, triplicate and sometimes quadruplicate. As you can see above, it is a lot of documents!
Well the good news is, after 6 months of gathering, sending, receiving, and waiting, our dossier was finally complete and sent off to China on 3/06/06.
So that is our official "DTC" (dossier to China) date. Now the real waiting begins

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