Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sniffle, Sniffle...

Well, I did it. I caught John's "summer cold". Sorry honey it's not your fault. Not your fault that you brought the germs home to begin with. Only kidding. Only problem is that I'm not home. I'm now in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Before that I was in Charleston, West Virginia. Both areas are very green, very beautiful and actually mountainous. This from a girl who is not even used to small hills, living as close as we do to the south shore of Long Island. One thing about West Virginia that I noticed was that people are allowed to smoke in restaurants/bars. In NY, you are not allowed to smoke in restaurants and even bars as well. A lot of people complained initially, but now it's just generally accepted. I'm not a smoker, never have been, so cigarette smoke bothers me a lot, and with a cold to boot...yuck.
What I noticed about northeast Pennsylvania, is that people drive really fast on the interstate, faster than I do at any rate. And I'm doing 65, wow, not to mention the constant big rigs passing me by too. I'm driving a Chrysler Sebring convertible (my rental car). It's really nice, only it's been cloudy and stormy since I've been here, so no taking the top down :-(. I'm flying home today, just hope I can stop sneezing long enough to get on the plane. I feel sorry for the poor people around me. I hope I don't spread my cold to them.
Been reading the many rumors on the web concerning how the referrals with go for July and how that will carry over for future months. It's like riding a roller coaster actually. One minute you're up thinking things will speed up, only to read something else that says things will remain slow and possibly slow further. It's enough to drive you nuts. John and I just pray everyday that this journey progress as the Lord directs. We know this journey is in His hands.
Got to get going, got to get ready and get back to the airport.

You Lord are all I have and you give me all I need,
my future is in your hand.
How wonderful are your gifts to me;
how good they are.
Psalm 16:5-6


Dawn and Dale said...

Just came across your blog for the first time tonight and just HAD to stop for a minute to thank you for your words!

Thank you for reminding me that this journey really is in HIS hands and HIS timing is perfect!!

Bless you!!


Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.


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