Monday, March 19, 2007

Would You Believe It's Almost One Whole Year!?!

Take note of the little lady bug above that has been slowly making it's way through the tulips:-).
In 3 days it will be our 1 year LID anniversary. How surreal that feels. I remember counting one month, two months, three.... wow now it's going to be 12 months since we were logged in.
On the bright side we are definitely through the review room, hurray!!! On the not so bright much longer do we have to wait ? The average wait is now up to about 17 months from LID and still climbing. How do I feel about that?? Sometimes I get so angry I want to scream. Sometimes just a few tears make their way down my cheeks when no one is looking.
Both John and I are trying so hard to be patient. We know that the Lord is in control and that everything will work out for His glory. With that being said, that dosen't mean we both are not longing so much for the day we bring our daughter home. And sometimes that longing just takes my breath completely away.
Another frustrating thing, is that we need to reapply for immigration approval, as it will probably expire before we receive Renee's referral. That means another $685.00, not to mention a home study update which includes another set of physicals, PPD's, financial forms.
Oh, and another set of finger prints.
Well, it's time to get to bed, as I hit the ground running at 5:30am, so good night and I'll be back soon!


shochikubailover said...

I've been trying time to time to comment without success. Not sure why I get stuck. Want you to know I think of you all the time.



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