Sunday, February 01, 2009

We're Hitching Flights to China!!!....Not!!!

John, I and my friends from the FCCLI "waiting group" went to brunch this morning at the 56th Fighter Group. We had a blast, the ladies sat on one side of the table, while the guys did their thing on the other end!! 56th Fighter Group is a restaurant right off of a small airport in Farmingdale, Long Island. The brunch items available were vast and delicious: salads, seafood, pasta, breakfast foods such as omelets, pancakes, waffles, lunch items such as ribs, chicken, steak, and I haven't even gotten to the desserts!! Everything was delicious. I paced myself and was able to try a little of everything. I also enjoyed a Mimosa!! which I had been thinking about for several days :)
After brunch we wanted to take pictures by the planes in the back of the restaurant.
We asked the guys to gather first...and the result is the picture where the guys are all faced forward toward the planes with their backs to us...we ladies laughed so hard that we cried!! The guys turned around, not understanding what we found so funny, and then we got the face front picture!!! Then it was the ladies turn!!
I have to say how much I value the friendships of these fine ladies...Pat, Kim, and Lori. We are sharing this journey of adventure together while we wait for our referrals. Lori has a unique view as she is waiting for her second child from China, and offers understanding and advice that is priceless.



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