Sunday, March 22, 2009

Happy 36 Month "3 Year" LID Anniversary

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Note the date above and the date in the header at the top of my blog and you'll notice that today is our "3 Year" log in date anniversary. Wow, now this is an anniversary that we never thought or expected to celebrate. Are we actually celebrating?? Well yes, we'll be having dinner with my sister, brother-in-law and my nephew and niece. Cornbeef and cabbage, a belated St. Patty's Day dinner where we can also celebrate this date as well.
So... how much more of a wait do we have? Ever hear of the saying "so close, yet so far...."?, well that sort of sums it up. There are 16 LID's left till it's our turn.
We are hopeful that we will receive "MR's" referral very soon, very soon, very mantra very soon, very soon!!!!!
Have a great day!!!!


Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

Happy LIDiversary! Sounds strange to say it...but I am confident that you won't be celebrating another LIDiversary. Bring on the babies!

Kim said...

This will be the last yearly waiting milestone for you! She's coming very soon......Hugs!

shochikubailover said...

Happy Anniversary and hope it goes quickly for you Sue. Love Janet in VB


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