Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Latest News

The latest news: it appears that the cut off this month is 3/22. A two day batch. Many are not surprised as 3/21-22 were high volume log in days. I am so upset for my 3/23 and beyond friends. Missing by one day has to be really hard. Last month when the CCAA got to 3/20, we missed it by two days.
The last RQ update is that the 3/22 cutoff is an R4, which means we are almost certain this is the case. The highest rating is an R5. Also, an agency is reporting that they are waiting for a package today. Could they be referrals???
I've communicated with my agency to contact me when our referral is ready, then I'll call John and we'll both head home and call LaVida together. What a drive home that promises to be. Sure hope there's no traffic ;-).
We may hear today....wow, or tomorrow????
I'll keep you posted.......



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