Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Rumor's Have Begun!

I'm an avid reader of the Rumor Queen. Her site is really the only place to find out information about what is happening in the China adoption world. I think that I really would have lost my mind over the last 3 1/2 years if I didn't have her site to go to. With that being said, Rumor Queen (RQ) is very clear concerning the rumors she reports. She rates them R1 -R5 depending upon how much information backs the rumor up. R1 is a weak rumor, where by an R5 is just about fact. Once a rumor becomes an R5, you can bet it will be a reality within a short period of time.
RQ reported last week an R1 that said there was a possiblity that the CCAA may get much farther into March 06' when they next send out the next batch of referrals. Maybe as far as March 23rd 06!! Well, that would mean that with our LID of March 22, 06, that we would be included!!! I have to be honest, when I read that, my jaw dropped to the floor! I then started to giggle profusely and all the thoughts and dreams that I had put on a shelf for the last 2 years, came roaring back into my mind! I have to be honest, it felt good, really good to think that we may be that close. I tempered my enthusiasm knowing this is an R1 rumor and could very possibly be false. Oh but what a wonderful couple of hours I had thinking what if?..........



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