Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Probable Pandemic

Watching the evening looks like the Swine Flu outbreak will become a pandemic. There are many cases in New York, and now Nassau and Suffolk counties are effected. Although the flu is continuing to spread, those who have caught it here in NY are getting better. I'm very thankful for that. I am very sorry for the child in Texas who has passed away from this flu, and my prayers are with his family. The news just reported that this child was from Mexico and came to Texas to visit family. What is Mexico doing to curb this illness?? The World Health Organization has announced that all countries now need to put there pandemic plans into effect.

Rumors today, strongly suggest that the CCAA will halt referrals and TA's for at least 20-30 days. When I first read that on RQ this morning, it knocked the wind out of me. 3+ years and counting waiting for our child and now this. I readily admit I had a small pity party at work this morning. It couldn't have been larger cause I was at work. If I were home, I'm sure I would have given in to my emotions, so maybe it was a good thing that I had to work today.

I can't find fault with China and the CCAA for their decisions. They are protecting their citizens and children. It is the responsible thing to do.

My faith is strong, I still believe that our Lord is in control of this adoption and the length of time that it will take. But....that doesn't mean that I'm happy at the moment. I am trying so hard to remain at peace, but it's hard, really hard.

My thoughts and prayers are with my friend Kim, who was imminently expecting a referral and who now must wait again. I send all the hugs I can. I'm right there with you bud!!!!


Kim said...

I'm thinking the Lord is determined to see us travel together! As long as our children are safe I can wait! Hugs to you my friend as well :)


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