Sunday, April 23, 2006

How Could I Forget Precious Brayden!

I had forgotten to post this adorable picture of Brayden. Here he is at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Baiting Hollow on Easter Sunday. We (Lynette, Karen, Dana and I) were going to take a walk before we ate dinner. Actually we walked and Brayden of course got to take the "stroll" in his "stroller". Believe it or not he was asleep before we got down to the end of the drive way, lucky boy!!!
After that we ate and ate and ate and ate...... And I was supposed to be on a diet!!
The next day I went right back on and have lost almost 10 pounds. My plan is to loose another 30 pounds by Christmas. I'd like to make it up to the top of the Great Wall of China, and be able to run after Renee too!!!


shochikubailover said...

Thanks for posting on my site. I know what you mean about thinking about the adoption all the time. I did too. I think just as things are slower now, they can also speed up. I hope for you they do.
Your friend in Virginia Beach


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