Thursday, May 25, 2006


16.2 is the number of pounds I have lost since April 3rd! I neglected to mention that I joined LA Weight Loss right after the Women's Retreat I attended the last weekend in March. I just got tired of failing everytime I tried to lose weight on my own. And I couldn't believe how much weight had crept it's way on to this body in just a couple of years.
My goal is not only to be physically fit and trim so I can run after a toddler :-), but also to try to make it to the top of the Great Wall of China. Lofty goal for someone who is not big into excercise, but I've got time to work on it before we get to China and I'm very dedicated.
The ladies at LA Weight Loss are really impressed with this goal (and I intend to reach 160 pounds by or before September 2006), they are all excited about the adoption. I've got 27.4 pounds left to lose (you do the math).
Another interesting tidbit, related to losing weight. I saw an email today on my March DTC yahoo group that said the CCAA refused to match to someone who was overweight. Now I never heard that before and I've noted a lot of overweight people receiving referrals, so I'm taking this as an unsubstantiated rumor, but geesh, if that's the case a lot of Americans could be turned away. I'm guess I'm glad I'm losing weight, now I have to work on John....


shochikubailover said...

Congrats on weight loss. Also just know that I'm going to publish a book called the international adoption weight loss diet.
You'll lose some without even trying on the trip and then caring for a little one. Good to get a head start now, but trust me the pounds will roll off later.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss. I haven't had a chance to post a comment yet but I hope this will be one of many. I hope to see you guys soon and Brayden can't wait to have Renee here with us.

Love Lynette


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