Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's A Small World After All...

Those of you who have followed this blog, will notice that I've again posted above the "Chinese Legend Of The Red Thread". I was just thinking about how I've come to start this blog and how that has lead me to the FCC (Families With Children From China) Long Island Group, to the two Yahoo chat groups I now belong to: March06DTC (Dossier To China) and the FCC LI Waiting groups. How this lead me to the secret pal swap and 100 Good Wish Quilt swap (I'll explain on another posting). And if you might ask me how this all began, I'd have to say again that "It's the Legend Of the Red Thread!"
You see if you go back to the very first posting I made back in March, I mentioned that I learned about "blogging" from a new friend that I met. I've been remiss in that I've never told the story. Well here it is:
In the beginning of March (just after our dossier had left for China, I traveled to Virginia Beach to assist a work colleague at a nursing conference. I was helping her work our exhibit booth. Yes I'm a nurse and I'm in sales, what a combination :-).
Well, while standing at our booth, I eyed across the room a woman carrying an absolutely gorgeous little Asian baby. Well without even thinking, I left the booth and rushed over and said..." I hope you don't think I'm being forward, but did you adopt your daughter from China?" Her reply was "No I don't think you are being forward and yes I did, this is Amy and we just got back from China 2 weeks ago!!"
On further conversations with Janet (Amy's Mom), I found out that she also used La Vida International as her adoption agency.
I can't describe how wonderful it was to meet them both, and to be able to hold and play with Amy. She is the sweetest baby!! Janet's blog is listed under my favorite blogs. Go take a look and you'll see how beautiful she is!
I truly believe that the Lord had it in his infinite plan for Janet and I to meet.
It is thanks to her that this blog even exists. Meeting them helped me realize that this precious dream of adopting a baby will actually come true. I got to see what it will be like (for a brief moment in time), when we bring our baby Renee home.
So remember, there is a red thread that connects those who are destined to meet, just as I was destined to meet Janet and Amy, so are John and I destined to meet our precious little girl Renee.


shochikubailover said...


Everyone needs a good cry over their morning coffee once in a while. Your words just brought out a good cry. Thanks. I feel our meeting at WOCN was very special. It was very special for me too. I am so glad to follow your journey to bring Renee home.

One concern I previously had was whether or not I would feel post-adoption let down. With the excitement and stress of the wait, and then the excitement and stress of preparing to travel, and then the adventure of a lifetime to travel, etc etc. Well, I can tell you now that there is no let-down. It just keeps getting better.....!

Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. You are dear to me.

Your friend in Virginia Beach,


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